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HomeEnglish NewsX Users to Pay Charges for Posting and Replying, Elon Musk Confirms

X Users to Pay Charges for Posting and Replying, Elon Musk Confirms

In a surprising move, Elon Musk, CEO of X (formerly Twitter), has unveiled plans to introduce a paid tier on the platform. This tier will be essential for users who wish to engage in fundamental activities such as posting, replying, or even liking a post.

The decision comes in response to the escalating issue of spam and bot activity plaguing the platform. Musk asserts that charging new users is the most effective method to combat the proliferation of automated accounts. “Unfortunately, a small fee for new user write access is the only way to curb the relentless onslaught of bots,” Musk explained in a recent post.

Acknowledging the discontent among users regarding the platform’s shift toward a paywall model, Musk emphasized the necessity of these measures to ensure a better user experience for all. While existing users can continue to access basic features without charge, new accounts will be required to pay an annual fee before gaining full access.

Details regarding the exact amount of the annual fee have not been disclosed, but tests conducted in select markets indicate a nominal charge of $1 (approximately Rs 82) per year for new users. X’s Premium subscription, which already offers various tiers including the Premium+ option with access to the Grok AI chatbot, serves as a precursor to this new paid model.

Musk’s vision for X encompasses a strategic balance between revenue generation and user experience enhancement. By implementing measures to deter bot activity and reclaim valuable username space, X aims to foster a more authentic and engaging environment for its users.


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