Sunday, July 7, 2024
HomeEnglish NewsPM Modi Pledges to Avoid Hindu-Muslim Card, Promises Equal Treatment for All

PM Modi Pledges to Avoid Hindu-Muslim Card, Promises Equal Treatment for All

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his nomination filing for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Varanasi, asserted his commitment to steer clear of communal politics, emphasizing his dedication to serving all citizens regardless of their caste or religion.

Addressing concerns about potential polarization along religious lines, PM Modi declared, “I won’t be fit for public life if I start playing the Hindu-Muslim card.” He reiterated his stance on inclusivity, stating, “I will not do Hindu-Muslim divide, this is my resolve.”

Responding to queries about his appeal regarding family planning and population control, the Prime Minister clarified that his remarks were not specific to any religious community. He highlighted the need for responsible family planning across all demographics, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that families can adequately provide for their children’s needs.

PM Modi reaffirmed his commitment to the principle of ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas’ (Collective Effort, Inclusive Growth), asserting that his administration works for the welfare of all citizens, without catering to any particular vote bank.

Expounding on his vision for equitable development, PM Modi emphasized the significance of 100% saturation in government schemes, ensuring that benefits reach every eligible individual, irrespective of caste, creed, or religion. He underscored the essence of true social justice and secularism in achieving this objective, minimizing the possibility of corruption.

As Varanasi gears up for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, scheduled for June 1st, PM Modi’s statements reflect a commitment to fostering a unified and inclusive society, devoid of communal divisions, and prioritizing the holistic development of all citizens.


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