Tuesday, July 16, 2024
HomeEnglish NewsNYPD Enters Columbia University to Clear Pro-Palestinian Protesters from Hamilton Hall

NYPD Enters Columbia University to Clear Pro-Palestinian Protesters from Hamilton Hall

In a late-night operation on Tuesday, the New York Police Department (NYPD) forcefully cleared pro-Palestinian protesters from Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall. The police action resulted in the arrest of over 100 demonstrators, with most arrests occurring at Columbia University and City College of New York.

The situation unfolded as law enforcement officers arrived at Hamilton Hall, where dozens of protesters had gathered. Police swiftly moved in, pushing the demonstrators outside and effectively ending the occupation of the building. The operation, lasting two hours, concluded without any reported injuries.

According to reports by CNN, the NYPD stated that Columbia University’s property, including Hamilton Hall, had been cleared. The university, in a released statement, expressed regret over the escalation of events, emphasizing that the majority of the occupiers were not affiliated with the institution. Columbia University cited concerns for the safety of its community and the need to prevent further escalation as reasons for the police intervention.

The NYPD’s action was purportedly authorized by a letter from the university administration, granting permission for law enforcement to enter the campus. Additionally, Columbia authorities reportedly requested the presence of police on campus until at least May 17 to maintain order and prevent further encampments.

Demonstrations in support of Palestine have sparked unrest on university campuses across the United States, reminiscent of the protests during the Vietnam War era. Several hundred students, faculty members, activists, and even a presidential candidate have been arrested or detained in connection with these protests. Despite suspensions and threats of expulsion, protesters remain resolute in their actions.

Responding to the situation, President Joe Biden’s administration criticized the seizure of Hamilton Hall, condemning it as an inappropriate approach to peaceful protest. The protests have presented a challenge for university administrators tasked with upholding free speech rights while addressing concerns of anti-Semitism and hate speech.


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