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HomeEnglish NewsDenied Physical Relationship By Daughter-in-Law, Mother-In-Law Physically Harms Her

Denied Physical Relationship By Daughter-in-Law, Mother-In-Law Physically Harms Her

A woman in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, has accused her in-laws and her husband of severe torture and harassment, including being coerced into establishing physical relations with her mother-in-law. Police have registered a case based on her complaint.

According to the FIR, the woman married Alok Upadhyay in Ghazipur district in 2022, and the abuse began soon after the wedding.

The woman alleges that her mother-in-law pressured her into unwanted physical relations. When she refused, her mother-in-law allegedly attacked her with a blade, causing five deep wounds on her arm that required stitches. The report also claims that the woman’s sister-in-law confiscated her clothes, forcing her to wear the same garments for a month while being confined to a room. Additionally, she faced constant demands for dowry and physical abuse.

The abuse reportedly intensified after the woman gave birth to a son in 2023. Her husband allegedly questioned the child’s legitimacy and physically assaulted her. Following one such beating, she was thrown out of the house. Neighbors intervened, and she was allowed back inside.

A few days later, the woman’s father visited her, and she moved back to her maternal home in Agra.

Earlier this month, the woman’s in-laws contacted her and her father, seeking a compromise. The woman and her father returned to the in-laws’ house for discussions, but the meeting ended in a scuffle, prompting them to leave again. This incident occurred on June 7.

The police have registered a case based on the woman’s complaint and are currently investigating the allegations.


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