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HomeEnglish NewsChina's Most Advanced Stealth Fighters Deployed 150 Km From Sikkim

China’s Most Advanced Stealth Fighters Deployed 150 Km From Sikkim

China has stationed its most sophisticated J-20 stealth fighter jets less than 150 km from the Indian border in Sikkim, according to satellite photos taken on May 27.
With permission, All Source Analysis, a company that examines geospatial intelligence and frequently uses satellite imagery, has provided the image.
The image reveals the presence of six Chinese Air Force J-20 stealth fighters on the flight-line at a dual-use military and civilian airport which serves Shigatse, the second-largest city in Tibet. Situated at 12,408 feet above sea level, the airport is one of the highest in the world. A KJ-500 Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft is also visible.

Although it is aware of the J-20 fighters’ deployment, the Indian Air Force (IAF) has chosen not to comment on them at this time.
As per the Vice President of Technology and Analysis at All Source Analysis, “China’s most advanced operational fighter aircraft to date is the J-20 stealth fighter, and these aircraft are primarily based in the eastern provinces of China.” “Seeing these aircraft appear at Shigatse in Tibet positions them on a deployment outside of their normal areas of operations and within proximity of the Indian border.”

India counters the J-20 with its fleet of 36 French-built Rafale fighters, eight of which have presently flown to Alaska for advanced air combat exercises with the United States Air Force (USAF). Significantly, Shigatse, where the Chinese J-20 has been spotted, lies less than 290 km from Hasimara (below) in West Bengal, where India bases its second squadron of 16 Rafales.


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